The Network’s Becoming Intelligent – On Location at RSA Conference 2011

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway

“I think it goes beyond that. I think we have to start looking at the whole fabric, the whole network, beyond just cloud. How cloud intertwines to your corporate enterprise, how it intertwines to the new social medias, to the ad hoc users.”

Crossing the Chasm

A commentary by Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway on the article “IT Survey Spotlights Cloud Computing’s Potential, Misconceptions.”

“If you think about where they sit, and the job that they do, any time there is a major platform change or a major new platform introduced, it creates some uncertainty. So I can sympathize with the fact that they would play both sides of this, because you have to make sure you’re protecting your organization the best way possible. So they have to play both sides a little bit with these new platforms, because they’re assuming that they are more reliable and more secure and all those things, but they don’t know yet.”

Secure from Start to Finish

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway

A commentary by Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway, on the article “How to Assess Cloud-Based E-Mail Security Vendors”

“The challenging part to being just pure cloud is, ‘How do you support deployment models that might vary–appliance and software–versus in the cloud?’… When you look at enterprise vendors and you look at data loss prevention and secure email being on-prem, there’s a good reason why that’s the case, because if you think about what you’re trying to protect, you have to deal with the concept of start-to-finish protection. You can’t just assume that your cloud connection is secure from start to finish.”

The Momentum is Not Slowing Down

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway

“People (are) continuing to buy cloud technologies, cloud infrastructures, cloud platforms, and I think it’s forcing (Larry Ellison) to start riding that same wave. And if you think about it, if I was Larry, I would be a little anti-cloud myself…for business reasons primarily. Because if you think about things like storage and databases and core technologies, even servers–brand is not as relevant when it comes to getting that compute power from a cloud provider. You’re paying for an SLA, you’re paying for uptime, scalability… You don’t really care if the storage is EMC or IBM or HP or somebody else, and you don’t care if the database is Oracle or MySQL.”

An Opportunity to Connect

Willy Leichter, Director, Product and Solutions Marketing, Axway

A commentary on the ZDNet UK article “Fog of definitions hides hybrid cloud’s truth”

“The hybrid (cloud) and cloud in general–I think there is a misnomer. A lot of the cloud hype sort of assumes that you’re going to just totally change your business, scrap everything, and move all your stuff to the cloud. And that may be the case for smaller businesses to some extent. But for enterprises, that’s not realistic.  But it doesn’t mean they’re not going to use the cloud. As they start leveraging communities, the connectivity, the ability to share information about who’s who and who you trust and where they can go, all of those policy controls across organizations are much better suited for the cloud. But it’s going to require integration with these legacy and very robust systems of connectivity that organizations use.”

Simplicity and Value

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway, comments on the article “Time to Re-evaluate SaaS Solutions?”

“A lot of people…misunderstand what’s happening in the market. They assume because Salesforce has become so dominant in CRM that SaaS is the model for everything. I think people have to step back and look at Salesforce…if you looked at the application and used it, you know it’s probably one of the better applications in the market, if not the best. So people thinking that Salesforce won because it was SaaS really are misunderstanding what’s happening in the market. I think Salesforce won because it was easy to use. It was more beneficial. There was more value to the users. So the proliferation of Salesforce continues to grow today. Even in a down economy it’s growing.”

XaaS: X as a Service

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway

A commentary on the Forbes’ article “Keeping Data Safe In The Cloud”

To read the original article, click here.

Establishing Trust: Moving Into the Cloud is Just the Beginning

Willy Leichter, Director, Product and Solutions Marketing, Axway

To read the original article Willy is commenting on, please click here.

Heroic: Managing the Hybrid Environment of the Future

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway

Upcoming: A commentary on IDC’s “Worldwide Enterprise Server Cloud Computing 2010-2014 Forecast”

Dave Bennett, CTO, Axway